Gwandara’s Biography:

Gwandara people are one of the over 250 ethnic group in Nigeria. They are mostly found in North Central part of Nigeria with their population cut across five major states and other two or three related states. It is generally believed that Gwandara people came from Kano state – Nigeria. They migrated at about 1365 to escape religious persecution or force conversion to Islam. So they left Kano under their leader whose father was a king and they first settled at Karshin-Daji (Fadan-Karshi) in the present day Kaduna state and subsequently Gwandara became their name. The original and full appellation being “Gwandarawa-da-Sallah” meaning rather dance than prayer. However, from Fadan-Karshi, Gwandara people spreads to other chiefdom within and outside Kaduna State.

Gwandara Festive Period:

The Gwandara tribe in Nigeria are highly acclaimed for their traditional festive period which covers different social gathering. This festive period just like the cultural heritages and it has given them a unique cultural identity celebrated every year after all farm produced have been harvested. It is always accompanied by different displays from various localities as directed and known nationwide to all Gwandara sons and daughters. The most recent social gathering and as well as dancing competition in order to portray the true culture of Gwandara people took place – Monday 2nd of April, 2018 at Idu-Koro, and October, 2019 at Sheretti – Abuja Municipal Area Council. It was indeed a festive period with numerous decorated events and dancing/traditional shows.

Gwandara Cultural Heritages: 

Having known that the Gwandara tribe in Nigeria are highly acclaimed for their traditional dancing patterns which covers different social gathering. This cultural practice known as cultural heritage which has given them a unique cultural identity nationwide. Thus; they have six(6) and above different dancing patterns that revolve round their masquerades popularly known by the Gwandara Culture of centuries ago.

How to donate to the development of this site: The designer – Musa Muhammed-Mustapha and the Sambari Nyamata Gwandara Development And Cultural Association, Abuja chapter has no any means of transferring or converting this site as a source of money or other worldly demands but to serve as a means of telling the world at large that indeed there are much more and a lots of cultural heritages about the Gwandara speaking people of Nigeria and their association called GWADECA. 

To render any help in order to sustain the development of this Gwandara online library (website) is highly welcome and you can as well contact M.M-Mustapha on: +234 (0)7035111871. Thanks for your understanding.

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