The Gwandara speaking people and norms

The norms associated with hygiene in the home and in public places of Gwandara people reflect a concern for human life. Norms defining acceptable ways for setting an argument or dispute among Gwandara people and other tribes usually exclude physical violence and manslaughter the array of rules and regulations dealing with transport and behavior on the high way within the Gwandara settings are concerned with protecting life.

The same applies to safety regulation in the working places, particularly variety of norms concerned with health, a safety of members within the Gwandara speaking people enclave can be seen as expression of value placed on human life. There are four major types of norms that are conceived in terms of folkways, taboos, mores, and law. They constitute an important component of Gwandara cultural heritage. According to summer (1906), folkways are customary ways of behaving and acting, which arise automatically within a group to meet the problems of living. They are the customs, convention and usages, which have been passed down from previous generations and to which new elements are ardent as the needs arise.

Summer (1906) conceived folkways as representing man does so by problems. As a result, man’s social life, especially preliterate who conforms almost completely to customs, consist almost entirely of a mass of folkways, and he usually think and acts in accordance with what the folkways decree to be proper or night. However, a civilized man has a little more choice and is his guarded in his behavior by the folkways of the group. Folkways (Folkways are the customs or conventions of daily life. They are a type of social norm — expectations for how we act. In sociology, folkways are generally discussed in contrast to mores because they are both types of social norms, though they vary in the degree to which they are enforced. Reference: range from the most trifling acts and behavior patterns to the most serious, and their number is infinite. Typical folkways in our society precisely Gwandara society includes shaking hands, eating three meals a day, dividing responsibilities so that the husband is the supporter of the household and the wife a dependent.

Reference: HRH (Dr.) Sani Mohammed Bako III | Edited and Posted By: Musa Muhammed-Mustapha.