We Stand For Development

The culture can be understood as a way of life in which people rely on tradition and creatively utilize the present reality with new achievements and new values that promote the human rights and freedoms. The cultural needs are important factor for the social groups, the  audience and the groups that are active in creating free time activities, festivals and manifestations etc.

The role of the cultural institutions like us is of great importance for civic education, because through us citizens can function as an active, informed and culturally noble person in society. Every citizen of a society has the inalienable right to culture and cultural policy because it stands for the regulation of interests in culture and decision-making in all matters relating to the cultural development of a global society. The main feature of the democratic way of thinking is that a number of different cultures create wealth offered by cultural values and should be nurtured. The democratic principle of the rights and freedoms of man aims to enable all citizens to equally participate as creators and consumers of culture.

In line with our vision; the following will be expected to be developed: Our culture and its principles or Cultural Needs (linguistic expression and communication, knowledge and dissemination of the view, artistic needs, aesthetic experience and creative needs); Gwandara Cultural Centers (Displaying masterpieces of artistic creation, encouraging creativity) – The main tasks of the cultural centers are the following: Support, encouragement of research, searching for new means of cultural expression and many others; Theater or Movie Industry (This will give room for performance that begins to live and establish Gwandara cultural communication); Libraries or Museums (The library or museum will exists as a key place that provides access to various sources of our cultural information) and many others.

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