Gwandara Cultural Values – HRH (Dr.) Sani Mohammed Bako III

Gwandara Cultural Values – HRH (Dr.) Sani Mohammed Bako III

The Nigerian Gwandara Cultural values are characterized by passive acceptance and high tolerance of frustration; and they emphasize traditional rather than rationalism, consensus rather than conflict and respect for elders and seniors, communal relationship; and group identity rather than individualism. The cultural values emphasized destiny and divine intervention in solving individual and collective problems of…

Gwandara Cultural Entity – HRH (Dr.) Sani Mohammed Bako III

Gwandara Cultural Entity – HRH (Dr.) Sani Mohammed Bako III

The Gwandara people, their cultural beliefs and practice can’t be contested; their beliefs and practices are uniquely, distinctively and purposefully defined. Usually and anywhere culture is as old as human society and is important for both the individual and the society which provides the cultural identity, social and psychological security and a sense of belonging…

The Gwandara People and their Cultural Contents

The Gwandara People and their Cultural Contents

According to Bayero University Dons, Mohammed Awaisu Haruna and Bello Ibrahim of sociological Department, that culture originated from a Latin word “Colere” – which means to inhibit, to cultivate or to honor generally with reference to human activities. The concept has been defined in a number of ways by different scholars including sociologist and anthropologist….