The Nature of Gwandara Traditional Religion

The Nature of Gwandara Traditional Religion

By: HRH (Dr.) Mohammed Sani Bako III In the Gwandara society, several types of beliefs are found in varying combination in different places. These include beliefs in spirit (both ancestral and non-ancestral) magic, witchcraft and sorcery. The kind of traditional religion found commonly among Gwandara is called “Potochi” according to (Sani M. Bako, 2011). This…

The Gwandara People of Karshi in Addendum

The Gwandara People of Karshi in Addendum

Gwandara is a West Chadic language as earlier stated from our previous articles written by Sani Musa Sarkinpada as referenced Dr. Sylvester O. Ayih, and the closet relative of Hausa. Its several dialects are spoken in Northern Nigeria, predominantly in the North Central Region of Nigeria with over million people. Gwandara are situated among areas…