We Promote Culture

One of the assumptions for enabling the individual to actively work to be confirmed as a democratic person in everyday life is the existence and respect for cultural rights and freedoms of citizens. Every citizen of a society has the inalienable right to culture and cultural policy because it stands for the regulation of interests in culture and decision-making in all matters relating to the cultural development of a global society.

We the GWADECA youth wing, our choice of cultural programs is determined not only by the needs and habits, but also to the financial capabilities of citizens, which means finding the appropriate tools and measures to enable the exercise of the right of citizens to cultural needs. The democratic principle of the rights and freedoms of man aims to enable all citizens to equally participate as creators and consumers of culture, we are determined to make it count. Therefore it is necessary to create the territorial mobility, regardless of their (our) place of residence, have equal opportunity for access to top cultural and artistic values.

We (Sambari Nyamata Gwandara Development & Cultural Association) are indeed the true cultural valuers. The events of Idu and that of Sheretti are living testimonies … .. .

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